Big Oak Road Septic System Remediation Project
The project to revitalize the Big Oak septic system and ensure its performance for the coming years that was begun in June was completed in late July 2022. The system consists of 13 private septic tanks (see diagram below) which drain to a common drain field located behind the 651 Big Oak cul-de-sac. Tanks have been located and inspected, which consists of lifting the lid on the tank and probing the tank with a measured rod. Several tanks with excessive sludge build up were pumped.
After tank inspection the drain field's dosing system was inspected. (A dosing system enables one or more septic tanks to drain periodically to a drain field instead of continuously to lessen the stress on the drainfield.) The dosing tank was cleaned.
The original letter sent to homeowners at the start of this project is shown below.
As a reminder to all homeowners: Septic tanks should be cleaned at a minimum of every 5 years. Even if you are using the PHSC drainfield, as the 13 homes on Big Oak you are responsible for keeping the septic tank in good working order. Please contact your PHSC if you have any questions regarding this requirement.
After tank inspection the drain field's dosing system was inspected. (A dosing system enables one or more septic tanks to drain periodically to a drain field instead of continuously to lessen the stress on the drainfield.) The dosing tank was cleaned.
The original letter sent to homeowners at the start of this project is shown below.
As a reminder to all homeowners: Septic tanks should be cleaned at a minimum of every 5 years. Even if you are using the PHSC drainfield, as the 13 homes on Big Oak you are responsible for keeping the septic tank in good working order. Please contact your PHSC if you have any questions regarding this requirement.
May 2022 Letter to Big Oak Rd Homeowners
This spring the Peacock Hill Service Company is undertaking a project to revitalize the Big Oak septic system and ensure its performance for the coming years. As you may know, the system consists of 13 private septic tanks which drain to a common drain field maintained by the service company. It is located behind 651 Big Oak as shown on the sketch.
The drainfield itself has two sets of distribution boxes which evenly distribute the effluent to the drainfield. Each of the distribution boxes have dosing syphons which regulate the flow. These boxes are slated for service. The water flowing to these boxes needs to be free of any solids that can clog the system. It is not clear right now and the syphons are partially clogged.
It is the job of the private tanks to decompose the sewage and let the liquids drain off. The first step in the project is to ensure that the private septic tanks have been pumped and are operating as designed. The service company will be inspecting all the septic tanks served by the drainfield in the coming months to ensure that they have been pumped and are operational before the distribution boxes are serviced. The bylaws of Peacock Hill require that residents regularly service their septic tank.
The inspection consists of lifting the lid on the tank and probing the tank with a measured rod. Most of the septic tank lids are buried in the back yard of residents and will require some excavation to reach them. Your cooperation and any knowledge you have of the lid’s location would be greatly appreciated. If you have had your septic tank pumped recently, please send us the documentation and we will not bother you. You do not need to be home while this is being done. However, we will give prior notice. The contact for this project will be Dave Lockledge 434-989-6929
If your septic tank needs to pumped, it is the homeowners responsibility to pay for it. You are free to choose whoever you want and PHSC offers a $100 rebate for pumping. However, it will be a septic service company doing the inspection supervised by PHSC staff. They will usually give you a price and arrange service on the spot.
Once this is complete PHSC will be cleaning and servicing the structures in the drain field.
The costs for this project will come out of regular operating expenses already set aside for maintaining the sewer system. It is the kind of preventative maintenance that ensures the maximum life of our infrastructure.
Thanks, David Lockledge
Chair PHSC
This spring the Peacock Hill Service Company is undertaking a project to revitalize the Big Oak septic system and ensure its performance for the coming years. As you may know, the system consists of 13 private septic tanks which drain to a common drain field maintained by the service company. It is located behind 651 Big Oak as shown on the sketch.
The drainfield itself has two sets of distribution boxes which evenly distribute the effluent to the drainfield. Each of the distribution boxes have dosing syphons which regulate the flow. These boxes are slated for service. The water flowing to these boxes needs to be free of any solids that can clog the system. It is not clear right now and the syphons are partially clogged.
It is the job of the private tanks to decompose the sewage and let the liquids drain off. The first step in the project is to ensure that the private septic tanks have been pumped and are operating as designed. The service company will be inspecting all the septic tanks served by the drainfield in the coming months to ensure that they have been pumped and are operational before the distribution boxes are serviced. The bylaws of Peacock Hill require that residents regularly service their septic tank.
The inspection consists of lifting the lid on the tank and probing the tank with a measured rod. Most of the septic tank lids are buried in the back yard of residents and will require some excavation to reach them. Your cooperation and any knowledge you have of the lid’s location would be greatly appreciated. If you have had your septic tank pumped recently, please send us the documentation and we will not bother you. You do not need to be home while this is being done. However, we will give prior notice. The contact for this project will be Dave Lockledge 434-989-6929
If your septic tank needs to pumped, it is the homeowners responsibility to pay for it. You are free to choose whoever you want and PHSC offers a $100 rebate for pumping. However, it will be a septic service company doing the inspection supervised by PHSC staff. They will usually give you a price and arrange service on the spot.
Once this is complete PHSC will be cleaning and servicing the structures in the drain field.
The costs for this project will come out of regular operating expenses already set aside for maintaining the sewer system. It is the kind of preventative maintenance that ensures the maximum life of our infrastructure.
Thanks, David Lockledge
Chair PHSC